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Better Health


You deserve to enjoy the best possible state of health! Maximum Cardio health supplements can help you attain improved cardiovascular and heart health, better brain health, and protection against various diseases and disorders.

So what are you waiting for?

Try out one of our amazing nutritional supplements today and feel the difference in your overall health and well-being!

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Boosting Supplement Now



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Brilliant Products with Brilliant Benefits

Why Take Maximum Cardio

Nutritional Supplements?

Strengthens & Protects Your Heart. 

Improve your heart health and protect yourself from heart diseases with our effective nutritional supplement powder.

Maintains Healthy Levels of Cholesterol

Maximum Cardio nutritional powders regulate your cholesterol levels and keep them under healthy limits.

Reduces Blood Clots

Our high-quality health supplements reduce the risk of blood clots and eliminate blood clots, thereby protecting your cardiovascular system and heart health. 

Boosts Your Cognitive Function and Memory

Our products are packed with mental health boosting ingredients which improve your brain health. Experience an increased memory and improve cognitive function with our supplements.

Boost Stamina

Many pre-workout powders that provide extra energy when you are at the gym are loaded with stimulants that induce jitters. Contrastingly, Maximum Cardio nutritional powder boosts your energy during workout and exercise, without the crashes.

Promotes Healthy Blood Pressure

Our nitric oxide inducing health supplements help maintain your blood pressure at healthy levels Have a healthy heart with Maximum Cardio products.

Minimizes Inflammatory Diseases

Prevent inflammatory diseases with Maximum Cardio supplements. They are loaded with effective ingredients that fight against inflammatory diseases. 

Strengthens & Protects Your Heart

Experience healthy muscle growth with our world-class nutritional supplements. 

The Maximum Cardio eBook for FREE!

Gain more knowledge about our supplement and learn how each ingredient will positively impact your health and well-being.

With Tons Of Nutritional Products Flooding The Market Hear

What Our Happy Customers Say

In the words of

Dr. Ignarro

“Though NO’s structure is simple, nitric oxide is now regarded as the most significant molecule in the body, absolutely crucial to your well-being. I am convinced that nitric oxide can age-proof your cardiovascular system, keeping it much fitter than your chronological age would indicate.”

“Repairing the damage wrought by cardiovascular disease without risky and often ineffective surgery had long been considered impossible. I was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for making that thinking obsolete. Now we know we can reverse cardiovascular impairment naturally – with the body’s internally manufactured wonder drug,’ nitric oxide.”

In 1998 Dr. Louis J. Ignarro discovered that nitric oxide is produced by, and present in all mammalian species naturally. In further research, it was found that nitric oxide has a valuable role to play in promoting overall health. It promotes a healthy cardiovascular system, digestive function, cognitive and brain function, erectile function, joint function, exercise endurance and much more.

In 1998, Dr. Louis J. Ignarro along with his team received the Nobel Prize for medicine because of their research about Nitric Oxide Pathways. Their research also led to the finding that the human body produces nitric oxide naturally when provided with the amino acid L-Arginine as a potential supplement for cardiovascular disease and for improving overall circulatory health, including blood pressure.

Salient Features

5 Other Health Benefits of Nitric Oxide

Besides improving the health of your cardiovascular system and heart, Nitric Oxide provides the following advantages:


Prevents unwanted blood clotting that may obstruct the blood flow


Protects skin from the sun's ionizing radiation


Facilitates healthy functioning of the digestive system


Supports the bladder to function by allowing it to expand for more urine holding capacity


Improves brain health
by enhancing learning, recalling functions, and memory

How it all began

Now, you might be thinking “but I’ve heard all this before, Ray”.


Let me tell you a little story about your pal, Ray, and why you’re guaranteed only the best product and support your cardiovascular health from Ray’s Healthy Living:


My folks and family were brought up in grassroots living. Live by your word, work for your dreams, never betray a trust… these were the virtues we lived by. However, we weren’t really concerned with our health and lifestyle. That is, until we lost my dad and my grandmother far too early in life. And the main culprit wasn’t simply the illnesses they had: it was their nutrition and lifestyle – factors that significantly contribute to cardiovascular disease.

We Leave No Room For Doubt!

Maximum Cardio offers you world-class health supplements that protect you from all diseases and disorders resulting from low nitric oxide levels. It supports a healthy Inflammation and immune response

Save Your heart With

Maximum Cardio

Invest in a health supplement with proven results
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25 Active Ingredients

Only the most powerful organic substances combined

A highly effective substance to prevent atherosclerosis (blockage of arteries) is Arginine – an amino acid. L-Arginine is the forerunner for nitric oxide which is derived from endothelium. When the human body is provided with L-Arginine, it produces nitric oxide naturally. Additionally, it’s the purest type of arginine and is a powerful vasodilator.

Our products contain L-Citrulline – a form of amino acid. It stimulates the immune system, boosts energy levels, and cleanses your body of ammonia – a substance causing damaging effects on living cell health. Being quite similar to L-Arginine, the amino acid L-Citrulline gets transformed into L-Arginine in your body.

Vitamin B1, often known as thiamine aid in the conversion of food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose), which the body utilizes to generate energy. These B vitamins, also known as B-complex vitamins, assist the body digest fats and proteins. B-complex vitamins are required for the proper functioning of the liver, skin, hair, and eyes.
They also aid in the healthy functioning of the neurological system and are required for proper brain function.

Vitamin B2 – crucial for production of antibodies, cell growth, respiration, and blood cell formation – is a key ingredient of our products. Vitamin B2, referred to as ‘riboflavin’ also, alleviates eye fatigue effects. It is an essential element used to treat and prevent cataracts. Apart from helping in the production of energy in the body, Vitamin B2 helps in metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins too. Moreover, it generates glutathione.

Vitamin B3 aids in the production of hormones that are connected to stress and sex in the adrenal glands and other areas of the body. B3 improves circulation and has been demonstrated to reduce inflammation.

Vitamin B5 helps in energy production. It has a major role to play in the optimization of adrenal functions, due to which vitamin B5 is referred to as an anti-stress vitamin. It is a requirement for every organ and cell in the body. It is also used for the generation of neurotransmitters. 

Vitamin B6 is required by the human body for several purposes. It makes an essential element of a number of body functions and mechanisms. It influences both the physical and mental health. B6, has an essential role to play in the creation of a number of compounds such as neurotransmitters, red blood cells, prostaglandins, and proteins. It is also essential to keeping the immunity levels up and the hormones balanced. It is effective in inhibiting homocysteine development, treating allergies, asthma, arthritis, and preventing cancer. 

According to studies done by UCLA, Vitamin C can lower heart attack risk in men by around 50% since it inhibits bad cholesterol oxidation. It neutralizes the adverse effects caused by free radicals, and prevents their formation since they also can lead to artery blockage.

Vitamin D is required mostly for keeping the blood levels of phosphorus and calcium within the normal range. It helps in calcium absorption that strengthens the bones. Vitamin D deficiency may cause brittleness of bones. It helps in mineralizing bones collectively, along with other types of hormones, vitamins, and minerals. In the absence of Vitamin D, the bones may lose their shape and become soft. Vitamin D prevents the weakening of bones and helps to prevent skeletal diseases in children and adults.

Vitamin E makes another powerful ingredient in Maximum Cardio products. Vitamin E is an effective fat-soluble antioxidant. It protects cell membranes from metabolic and dietary free radicals as well as environment pollution. Vitamin E lowers LDL cholesterol and reduces deposits of plaque on artery walls, thereby protecting the heart from heart attack risk, reducing stroke risk, and preventing atherosclerosis. Moreover, it helps to boost your immunity against infectious diseases and eliminate respiratory issues. Vitamin E has a valuable role to play in the generation of hormones that maintain the balance of inflammation and stress, which include corticosteroids and adrenaline.

Vitamin B12 is another effective ingredient that helps to regulateand form blood cells, maintain metabolism, and improve nerve and immune functioning. It is effectively retained in tissues and is primarily employed in the nervous system, liver and brain. 

CoQ10 Coenzyme produces energy at cellular level. Its effectiveness has also been proved in offering life sustenance. The heart has ample quantities of Q10 enzyme since it needs the most of this enzyme for circulation of blood in the entire body. Any CoQ10 enzyme deficiency impacts the heart the most.

P-chromium is very effective in controlling and balancing blood glucose and cholesterol levels. P-chromium promotes the lean muscles to increase. Research studies have proved it effective in the fight against osteoporosis and in increasing life expectancy.

Our brain is a combination of specific types of fats, a diet devoid of these fats can significantly affect brain functioning. Symptoms like food cravings, lack of attention, hyperactivity, irritability, and even dyslexia are an indication of this deficiency. Omega-3 plays a crucial role in the development of learning ability. Learning involves the building of neural pathways, for this omega 3 fatty acid is necessary when forming delicate neural synapses.

Folate is an essential requirement to produce red blood cells and energy. Many people suffer from folate deficiency and diet alone cannot fulfill this. A woman in childbearing years that lacks folate increases the risk of having a child suffering from spina bifida.

A plant oil discovery recently enriched with phytochemicals and omega-3 acids fatty acids. When compared to flaxseed oil and fish oil, perilla oil has a greater content of omega 3. It does not cause gastrointestinal side effects.

Potassium has a major role to play in chemical reactions occurring inside the cells. It also helps in transmitting electrochemical impulses properly and maintaining blood pressure. Potassium is also used by cell membranes to transfer nutrients.

Another key ingredient Resveratrol is naturally found in red wine, pomegranates, red grapes, and some other sources. A study has shown it has positive effects on aging and protects the heart. Other research has revealed that Resveratrol has calorie restriction effects, meaning the calories taken in the diet will have a 20% to 30% lower calorie count.

Chromium Polynicotinate plays a key role in metabolism of nutrients like chromium and glucose that are used for producing energy. Its deficiency in diabetes patients can be a serious concern since they play a valuable role to maintain stable levels of blood sugar, which is carried out through proper utilization of insulin. Chromium Polynicotinate is helpful for those with hypoglycemia too.

Selenium significantly helps in fighting cancer. Consisting of antioxidant properties, Selenium is effective for heart diseases and promotes fast recovery from damage caused by free radicals to DNA. Selenium is helpful for patients of cancer since it causes death of the malignant cells.

Magnesium is crucial for heart function. It is also essential for generation of energy bonds regulating your cells’ energy mechanisms. Magnesium helps to lower blood pressure, prevent cardiac arrhythmias, and increase survival chances among individuals who have experienced heart attacks.
Fructooligo Saccharide – a prebiotic fiber blend that can be consumed easily as it’s a white powder having no after taste. Fructooligo Saccharide is a component of different natural foods. It helps in the detoxification process, nutrient absorption, and digestive processes.
Grape Seed Extract has been used to improve blood flow, reduce symtoms of diabetes, and to ease swelling in the joints. Grape Seed Extract is a key source for Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPC) that improve vein functioning and relieve swelling.

Astragin, as found by several studies, significantly impacts the absorption of various nutrients that promote health and support life. AstraGin improves your fitness, health, and overall well-being, and promotes leaner body mass, better balance of blood sugar level, and higher endurance levels.

Organic food and health fanatics will know this to be ‘nature’s sugar’. Stevia has zero calories and is used as an effective supplement for low blood pressure, low blood sugar and problems with cholesterol levels. It also helps dieters in curbing cravings for sweet things.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to your queries

L-arginine, also known as arginine, is an essential amino acid that is one of the 22 building blocks of protein in the body. It plays a key role in growth and repair of tissues, as well as in the production of hormones, enzymes, antibodies, and neurotransmitters. Despite being classified as a non-essential amino acid, it is sometimes necessary to obtain more arginine from the diet, as the body may not produce enough on its own. This cardio nutritional supplement can be found in meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, and nuts, but only in small amounts in fruits and vegetables, making it challenging for vegetarians to meet their dietary requirements.

The average American diet only provides 3.3 to 5.4 grams of arginine, while a vegetarian diet contains approximately one gram less. Older individuals (over 50) who follow a heart-healthy diet consume approximately 2.6 grams of daily arginine. A decline in arginine-derived nitric oxide (ADNO) levels can result from a poor diet, lack of physical activity, aging, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and smoking. Since high levels of arginine can counteract the negative factors associated with heart disease and the average American diet does not provide enough, taking a supplement that helps the circulatory system is a wise choice.

Nutrition experts consider this protein powder for cardio to be one of the least toxic amino acids, and even large amounts of consumption have minimal adverse effects. Clinical studies in the US and internationally have repeatedly demonstrated the safe administration of 30 to 50 grams of arginine to patients without any reported issues. Body builders have also consumed large doses of arginine for an extended period without experiencing any negative effects.

Arginine supplementation benefits are dependent on dose and can range from 5 to 30 grams per day taken orally. A recommended daily dose is 5 grams for increased nitric oxide levels and heart disease prevention. Those with risk factors like diabetes or high blood pressure may need 10 to 15 grams per day. It’s best to take 5 grams in the morning and before bed, avoiding protein consumption near supplement intake to prevent blocking absorption. Avoid arginine supplements that contain other amino acids like lysine or glutamine. Higher dosages (9-21 grams for men body builders, 6-18 grams for women body builders) are needed for growth hormone stimulation and should be taken on an empty stomach or 30 minutes before a workout.

Before making any changes to your medication regimen and adding arginine to your routine, it is important to talk to your doctor. Abruptly stopping your prescribed medications could have serious consequences. Based on clinical trials conducted over the past 20 years, taking arginine does not appear to interact with medications used for cardiovascular disease such as cholesterol and high blood pressure medications or diabetes. If you have diabetes or monitor your own blood pressure, monitor your levels as they may drop while taking arginine. If the levels remain low, talk to your doctor about adjusting your medication. Consistent use of arginine has the potential to reduce the need for chemical medications, which only mask the issue of low nitric oxide levels in the blood vessels. If you consistently take arginine daily, you can potentially eliminate the need to take statin drugs for cholesterol control. The root issue is not the cholesterol level but the oxidation of LDL cholesterol that becomes sticky and bonds with vessel walls. It’s one of the best supplements for heart disease and prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, preventing plaque buildup, as supported by multiple studies.

Oral arginine supplements may not deliver results as rapidly as injections, but they can still be effective. By slightly increasing your oral intake, by 50 to 100% of your current dietary intake, you can start to experience health benefits in a matter of weeks. Many users have reported a boost in energy levels right away. Keeping a health journal can help you track your progress. Some possible outcomes include increased energy, improved memory and immune system, better sleep, weight loss, enhanced muscle tone, reduced pain, quicker wound healing, improved sexual function, and improved athletic performance.

It is best to consult your doctor prior to usage of arginine if you’re pregnant. Research indicates that arginine-derived nitric oxide may have a positive impact on a specific type of hypertension known as preeclampsia and could reduce the risk of premature labor and preterm birth. Many women have used arginine throughout their pregnancy without any adverse effects or issues reported.

Arginine is considered one of the least toxic amino acids by nutritionists, and even high consumption levels have been found to cause few adverse effects. Bodybuilders, for example, have consumed far greater amounts than recommended doses with no reported issues. Clinical trials conducted in hospitals both in the US and internationally have also administered doses of 30 to 50 grams of arginine to patients without any reported problems.

While side effects are uncommon, about 5% of individuals may experience stomach discomfort or diarrhea. Taking arginine with carbohydrates can prevent this.

Arginine itself does not cause herpes outbreaks, but consuming low-quality arginine supplements may exacerbate virus replication during an outbreak. The herpes virus often lies dormant in the body and can be activated by stress, colds, lack of sleep, and nutritional factors. To minimize the risk of exacerbating replication, it is important to use a high-quality, pharmaceutical-grade form of arginine. Lysine is an amino acid that can help prevent and eliminate herpes virus, and taking 500 mg of lysine daily is recommended if you have a herpes diagnosis. If you experience symptoms of an outbreak, taking 1000 mg of lysine and 1000 mg of Vitamin C three times a day can help, and it’s important to ensure a two-hour gap between taking arginine and lysine.

It’s important to note that if a child has a balanced diet, engages in regular physical activity, and takes a daily multi-vitamin/mineral supplement, there may be no need for them to take additional arginine supplements. There are concerns that taking arginine by children may reduce their body’s production of growth hormone and negatively impact their growth. However, it is believed that providing a child with a small dose of arginine (1-2 grams depending on body weight) soon after eating may counteract the harmful effects of trans fatty acids in their diet without affecting their growth hormone, which is produced in higher doses on an empty stomach. It has been found that 60% of children between the ages of 5 and 10 already have at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease, such as high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, or diabetes. In today’s fast food culture, some of the foods we give children can have more carcinogenic effects than a cigarette. These foods can deplete the body of nitric oxide, which can lead to cardiovascular disease.

Some athletes use L-arginine supplements to enhance exercise performance. The theory is that increased nitric oxide production can improve blood flow to muscles, leading to better oxygen delivery and reduced fatigue. Research results are mixed. Some studies show a slight improvement in exercise endurance, while others show no significant benefit. More research is needed to determine the effectiveness of L-Arginine for athletic performance. Factors like training intensity, diet, and individual differences can influence results. Using cardio nutritional supplements that include L-arginine can support your circulatory system and overall cardiovascular health.

L-Arginine is a precursor to nitric oxide, which plays a role in relaxation of blood vessels in the penis. There is some evidence that L-arginine supplementation may be helpful for mild ED, particularly when combined with other treatments like sildenafil (Viagra). However, more robust studies are needed to confirm this benefit. It’s important to talk to your doctor before using L-arginine for ED, especially if you take medications for heart disease or high blood pressure. Doctor recommended cardio heart health powder with L-arginine can also contribute to improved cardiovascular health.

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About us

Results from the use of Ray’s Healthy Living products (supplements, minerals, home grown formulas) may vary with each individual. This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The above natural supplement is known to help in controlling and managing Asthma, but you should exercise proper caution and ask your doctor before adding any such supplement in your diet. Herbs have lasting and strong effects on the body and can also interact with other drugs and medications, causing dangerous and adverse reactions. If you use any medication for your disease, talk to your doctor before you decide to start any supplement or herbal products to manage your health condition.

Copyright © 2024 Rays Healthy Living

How it all began

Now, you might be thinking “but I’ve heard all this before, Ray”.

Let me tell you a little story about your pal, Ray, and why you’re guaranteed only the best product and support from Ray’s Healthy Living:

My folks and family was brought up in grassroots living. Live by your word, work for your dreams, never betray a trust… these were the virtues we lived by. However, we weren’t really concerned with our health and lifestyle. That is, until we lost my dad and my grandmother far too early in life. And the main culprit wasn’t simply the illnesses they had: it was their nutrition and lifestyle.

That’s when my mom started her crusade of healthy living. She researched and studied about the essentials of having a beautiful, healthy lifestyle. And she didn’t want to stop with herself and our family. She wanted everyone to enjoy the same benefits.

She started to invite people to our home, friends, acquaintances, co-workers, or complete strangers who were interested in a lifestyle that promoted health and wellness. Pretty soon, she was out meeting people in flea markets, farmer’s markets, and such sharing what she knew while building a growing business. Nature SunShine was the first brand mom adopted, as it was the first company to largely promote herbal supplements in capsules. Pretty soon, other family members joined her and now serve communities all around with their own health and wellness stores that both sell natural products and also provide nutritional advice and support.

So where does your pal Ray come in?

I was a careless youth with a reckless lifestyle back in the day. While my mom was doing her thing with health and wellness, I was going out to make my own stamp in life. Eventually, I started working at a Laundromat. I liked it so much I went into the Laundromat business for 10 years. So, why did I change my line of business and followed my mom’s footsteps?

At age 45, I started feeling the consequences of my unhealthy lifestyle as a younger man. I was 45 lbs. overweight and even though I go to the gym, I wasn’t maximizing my health and wellness. I struggled for about 20 years with a sharp pain on my lower hips. I met and got tested by doctors and hospitals, but none of them could figure out what was wrong until I met with a urologist who suggested I change my diet to a more natural one. That’s when I had the revelation that mom was right all along!

From then on, I realized mom had been helping a lot of people since the 1980s to live a beautiful and healthy lifestyle. I decided I would do the same, taking up the same goals and motivation mom lived by: offer the highest quality of natural products and help customers live their lives to the fullest. You could say the rest is history from there!

But wait, there’s more!

I realized mom’s traditional approach might not be the best in this day and age. After carefully studying our options, mom and I decided to take our vision and goals online to reach out to more people who share the same desire: live healthy and beautiful lives with the help of natural products. And so, Ray’s Healthy Living is born and always willing to serve you!

Wait before you go!

Don’t forget to download your Maximum Cardio eBook and learn the many benefits the supplement has to offer.