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Please refer to the below websites for further information

 – Nobel Prize website:

 – Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine website:

 – 1998 Nobel Prize for Nitric Oxide:

 – Video of Dr. Lou and the other Laureates receiving the Nobel Prize:

 – Nutrition and Cardiovascular Disease: Putting a Pathogenic Framework into Focus 

    (Napoli C, Stanley WC, Ignarro LJ.) Cardiovascular Res. 2007 Jan 15; 73(2):253-6.

 – Nitric Oxide and Pathogenic Mechanisms Involved In the Development of Vascular Diseases 

    (Napoli C, Ignarro LJ.) Arch Pharm Res. 2009 Aug; 32(8):1103-8.

 – Novel Features of Nitric Oxide, Endothelial Nitric Oxide Syntheses, and Atherosclerosis 

    (Ignarro LJ, Napoli C.) Cur Diab Rep. 2005 Feb; 5(1):17-23. 

 – Long-Term Combined Beneficial Effects of Physical Training And Metabolic Treatment On Atherosclerosis In Hypercholesterolemia Mice 

    (Napoli C, Williams￾Ignarro S, De NigrisF, Lerman LO, Rossi L, Guarino C, Mansueto G, Di Tuoro F, PignalosaO, De Rosa G,Sica V, Ignarro LJ.) 

     Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2004 Jun 8; 101(23):8797-802.

 – W. Effect of Oral L-Arginine Supplementation on Blood Pressure: A Meta-Analysis Of Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trials 

     (Dong JY, Qin LQ, Zhang Z, Zhao Y,Wang J, Arigoni F, Zhang) Am Heart J. 2011 Dec; 162(6):959-65.

 – Nitric Oxide: Biology and Pathobiology. 2nd Edition 

     (Louis J. Ignarro, Editor. Elsevier,Inc.,) Copyright 2010. 26 Chapters; 845 pages.

 – Nitric Oxide as a Mediator of Relaxation of the Corpus Cavernosum in Response to Nonadrenergic, Noncholinergic Neurotransmission 

     (Rajfer J, Aronson WJ, Bush PA, Dorey FJ, Ignarro LJ.) N Engl J Med. 1992 Jan 9; 326(2):90-4.

 – Protective Effects of Physical Exercise in Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease: A Narrative Review 

     (Paillard T, Rolland Y, de Souto Barreto P.) J Clin Neurol.  2015 Jul; 11(3):212-9.

 Nitric Oxide Signaling is recruited As a Compensatory Mechanism for Sustaining Synaptic Plasticity in Alzheimer’s disease Mice 

     (Chakroborty S, Kim J, Schneider C, West AR, and Stutzmann GE.) J Neurosis. 2015 Apr 29; 35(17):6893-902.

 – S-Nitrosylationin Neurogenesis and Neuronal Development 

     (Okamoto S, Lipton SA.) BiochimBiophys Acta.2015 Aug; 1850(8):1588-93

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Results from the use of Ray’s Healthy Living products (supplements, minerals, home grown formulas) may vary with each individual. This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The above natural supplement is known to help in controlling and managing Asthma, but you should exercise proper caution and ask your doctor before adding any such supplement in your diet. Herbs have lasting and strong effects on the body and can also interact with other drugs and medications, causing dangerous and adverse reactions. If you use any medication for your disease, talk to your doctor before you decide to start any supplement or herbal products to manage your health condition.

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