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Policy Policy

Terms & Conditions


You should be at least 18 years old in order to use this website and be legally empowered to enter into binding contracts with Ray’s Healthy Living, and not be in any way disqualified under any and all applicable law to do so. This website is not intended for anyone below 18 years of age and no person of less than 18 may use the Ray’s Healthy Living website. If and when you use the website, you affirm to be at least 18 years of age.

Automatic Renewal Terms

If you order one or more of our products online, through telephone, or through the automatic renewal program, your membership stays in effect unless you cancel it. In case you decide to sign up for the automatic renewal program on the Ray’s Healthy Living website in connection with the purchases you make, your payment card would be charged according to the amount displayed on the corresponding web page of the product you purchase, and the same amount will be automatically charged on a monthly basis i.e. every 30 days following your purchase.


Return/Refund Policy

Items once purchased can be returned pursuant to the terms laid down in our Returns Policy . In case you are still unclear or unsure about the applicability of the policy for the select products you purchase, feel free to get in touch with one of our customer service representative for the same. Ray’s Healthy Living will refund the payments you make according to the refund policy once you timely return the product (with the authorized RMA number) or the order is cancelled in due time. If the purchase was made using third party credits like MasterCard and Visa, the refund will be made within 7 business days of receiving the returned product.

User-Generated Content

Subject to the restrictions listed forth herein, the Ray’s Healthy Living website allows visitors to upload comments, reviews, video clips, images, and other forms of content (Your Content) and communication to the website. Unless indicated otherwise, by posting your content on the Ray’s Healthy Living website, you grant Ray’s Healthy Living perpetual, non-exclusive, fully sub-licensable, royalty-free, and irrevocable right to use, modify, reproduce, translate, publish, display, distribute, and create derivative works out of your content and the corresponding name submitted with the content across the world in any forms of media known today or to be conceived hereafter. Ray’s Healthy Living and its affiliate websites are free to use the concepts, ideas, and information that forms part of Your Content for purposes they see fit including, but not limited to manufacturing, distributing, marketing, and developing products with this information.

Ray’s Healthy Living is not obligated:
To maintain the privacy of your content
To pay any compensation for Your Content to you or to another third-party.
To respond to or anything related to Your Content. You alone are and will be responsible for Your Content.
For all the content you post on Ray’s Healthy Living website you warrant and represent that
You own and/or control all the rights to Your Content
The content you post is accurate
The use of Your Content (as intended by this contract) does not amount to its violation and will not inflict any harm or injury on a person or an entity.

Ray’s Healthy Living will not take liability or responsibility towards you or any other third party in case Your Content is not accurate. Ray’s Healthy Living has the right, but is not obligated, to edit, monitor and/or remove any content they want. Ray’s Healthy Living will not assume responsibility or liability if Your Content is shared by a third party.

User Conduct

It is important that you must use this website solely for lawful purposes. You must NOT use this website in any way that breaches the rights of other users or restricts/inhibits the extent of enjoyment of website for anyone else. Also, without obtaining prior consent from Ray’s Healthy Living you may not:

Reproduce, copy, lease, loan, rent, or sell any content obtained from the Ray’s Healthy Living website;
For any purpose, modify, re-post, or distribute any content available on the Ray’s Healthy Living website; or Use the website’s content for anything that can be classified as commercial exploitation.
Ray’s Healthy Living is not obligated:
To maintain the privacy of your content
To pay any compensation for Your Content to you or to another third-party.
To respond to or anything related to Your Content. You alone are and will be responsible for Your Content.
For all the content you post on Ray’s Healthy Living website you warrant and represent that
You own and/or control all the rights to Your Content
The content you post is accurate
The use of Your Content (as intended by this contract) does not amount to its violation and will not inflict any harm or injury on a person or an entity.
Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and License

You agree that the content available on the Ray’s Healthy Living websites including (with or without limitation) content (text, software, graphics, music, photographs, sound, and videos) and the content provided by sponsors, suppliers, and/or advertisers constitutes as Intellectual Property and is protected by trademarks, copyright, patents, and/or other laws regulating proprietary rights.

You hereby are granted a non-transferable, non-exclusive, limited, and revocable license to view, print, and copy the content available on any of the Ray’s Healthy Living websites for the purpose of placing an order through the website and using it solely for that purpose, given that you do not attempt to obscure or remove the copyright notice and/or any other notices present on the said content. Except as explicitly provided in the Agreement, nothing present in this Agreement and/or on the Ray’s Healthy Living websites shall be interpreted as granting any form of right or license, expressly, by estoppel, by implication, or otherwise under the Intellectual Property Rights of Ray’s Healthy Living or other third parties. Rights that are not expressly granted are reserved.

Links to Other Websites That MaximumCardio Does Not Control

This website may have links to websites or other resources, including advertisements that do not fall under the control of Ray’s Healthy Living. These links are incorporated into the website solely user convenience and should be construed as just that, and NOT as endorsements by Ray’s Healthy Living of the items, services, and content available on such third-party websites.

In case you access, explore, and use these links, including the items, services, or content on them, you do so at your own risk. Ray’s Healthy Living makes no warranties or representations in lieu of the ownership, legality, or the content of these websites. You concur that Ray’s Healthy Living has no liability or responsibility whatsoever for the presence of these external resources or websites, or the content, products, or advertisements available through them. As soon as you leave Ray’s Healthy Living websites via a link that leads to one of these websites, the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use you will be subject to will change as per the website you visit.

Purchasing Items from Us
Return and Guarantee Policy

Products can be returned within 30 days of the shipment date. The finer details of the returns policy can be accessed on the Shipping & Returns page.

The only items acceptable for refund are ones attached with our Return Product Authorization. It will be sent to you once you send us a return and refund request on out email address. Ray’s Healthy Living will not pay any postage or shipping charges.


Ray’s Healthy Living has the right to change or discontinue specifications, and imminently change the prices of products, without incurring the obligation to disclose it to you. Ray’s Healthy Living takes reasonable care to make sure they quote correct prices for each product on the website, and to provide visitors with an accurate description of the available product(s) on the website, and to display the latest packaging for each Ray’s Healthy Living product. However, when you order products, be mindful of the fact that Ray’s Healthy Living does not represent or warrant that the descriptions for products are complete, current, error-free, and reliable or that the product packaging shown on the Ray’s Healthy Living website will be the same for the actual product you receive.

If the product described and displayed on the website does not match the one you receive, or has a different packaging than the product delivered to you, the only remedy you have is to return the product to us – undamaged and unused pursuant our Return Policy . Ray’s Healthy Living’s references to or descriptions of products is not owned by Ray’s Healthy Living and do not imply any endorsement of the said product or constitute a Ray’s Healthy Living warranty for the same.

Errors and Omissions

Please bear in mind that product prices, availability, and terms of purchase are all subject to change as and when Ray’s Healthy Living deems it appropriate. Ray’s Healthy Living makes constant efforts to maintain the accuracy of information available on the website and correct errors and omissions as soon as they are detected. In case an error occurs once your credit card is already charged, Ray’s Healthy Living cancels your order and refunds the charged amount in full.

Order Placement and Acceptance

The order you place at Ray’s Healthy Living is accepted only when a payment for the same is received in full by Ray’s Healthy Living. Ray’s Healthy Living may ask you to provide additional information regarding the order you place provided you’ve not stated all the important information required for processing the order. Ray’s Healthy Living reserves the right to cancel or limit your order at any time once it is placed.

Every order you place is explicitly conditioned on your consent of this agreement. We locate product(s) listed on your order only when a complete order is received along with your authorization and a proper mode of payment. The product(s) are then lined for shipment. Despatch of items is subject to their availability. You will be promptly informed if one or more of the product(s) you ordered are unavailable and you may be offered alternative product(s) tantamount in quality and value. Ray’s Healthy Living accepts orders placed for personal use ONLY. You are not permitted to resell the products offered on our website. If Ray’s Healthy Living discovers that you have place orders with the intention to resell them, your order may be immediately cancelled and your account suspended or terminated. Ray’s Healthy Living may also pursue the available legal remedies under applicable law against you. In case you are caught for fraudulent conduct Ray’s Healthy Living will report it to state, local, and/or federal law enforcements authorities.

Shipping and Risk of Loss

Ray’s Healthy Living will add the applicable handling and shipping charges to the final amount of your order. Ray’s Healthy Living employs commercially reasonable services to ship products to you within reasonable time once a properly completed order is received by Ray’s Healthy Living. Although Ray’s Healthy Living may provide expected shipment dates and timeframes, you should understand that these estimates are made by Ray’s Healthy Living in good-faith and are subject to change/delays. Also, at times Ray’s Healthy Living has limited stocks for particular products and immediate delivery in these cases may not be possible. Rest assured, the product will be delivered as soon as it becomes available. In case your order gets delayed (later than the date specified at the time of order confirmation; or in case no specified date was provided, more than 30 days from the order confirmation date Ray’s Healthy Living will make efforts to contact you in reasonable good faith. If Ray’s Healthy Living is unable to contact you, or if you don’t want the product anymore, Ray’s Healthy Living will rescind the order and refund the payment already tendered. Ray’s Healthy Living may reject orders in case the provided delivery address lies outside the USA.

Sales Tax

Operating in the USA, Ray’s Healthy Living is required by law to collect the applicable local and state sales tax on all orders shipped to particular states. Taxes are applicable on most of the Ray’s Healthy Living products, but certain states exempt taxes on certain items, such as food products. Certain tax authorities additionally require the handling and shipping charges to be included in the calculation of taxable amount, while other states charge sales tax simply on the product price. Ray’s Healthy Living is obligated to follow taxation rules and laws for each state. The final payment amount for your order will be inclusive of the local and state taxes applicable.

Payment Information

By ordering products via the Ray’s Healthy Living websites, you consent to provide payment information that is current, accurate, true, and complete. Placing an order, you warrant and represent that you will provide payment information that is strictly yours and you have the sole authorization for it. Ray’s Healthy Living reserves the right to rescind your order or suspend/terminate your account in case Ray’s Healthy Living has reasonable grounds to believe the payment information provided by you is inaccurate, fraudulent, incomplete, or not current; or for reasons beyond that Ray’s Healthy Living deem appropriate.

International Orders

Ray’s Healthy Living may not sell directly to jurisdictions outside of the USA and Canada, as our products may not have approval for sale in foreign jurisdictions. Ray’s Healthy Living reserves the right to accept or reject purchase orders for Ray’s Healthy Living products placed by non-US residents. The acceptance of these orders and the corresponding sale of our products will be subject to conditions like:

You acknowledge that the Ray’s Healthy Living products that you purchase not being a resident of US, shall be:
Ex works Ray’s Healthy Living facility in the USA per Incoterms 2010, with the title and associated risks and losses of the products transferring to you in full in the USA and Purchased strictly for personal use only, and not for further resale by you in any way possible.
You agree to not place an order for more than a 90 day supply of the consumable products within any 90 da duration.
You hereby explicitly permit and instruct Ray’s Healthy Living to load and dispatch the products you purchased to your designated shipping address and to contract with a courier service for shipment on your behalf.
You are the main importer of record and you undertake the sole responsibility for all shipping charges, import requirements, custom clearance, and import duties from Ray’s Healthy Living in the USA to the foreign shipping address you provided.

For Order Placed From Canada ONLY

By ordering Ray’s Healthy Living products, you hereby authorize one of the licensed customs broker in Canada chosen by Ray’s Healthy Living to act as the agent, and to coordinate with the CBSA (Canada Border Services Agency) to see the merchandise clearance, handle the duties and taxes applicable, to return products to Ray’s Healthy Living and submit refund claims (if any) on your behalf intended for the products you return. You also acknowledge that any refund of taxes and duties paid on the returned merchandise will be sent by the CBSA to the customs broker, and that you will receive the refund (if any) directly from Ray’s Healthy Living. You also allow the customs broker to endorse the refund check issued in your name by the CBSA so that the amount can be reimbursed to Ray’s Healthy Living.

Electronic Signatures, Agreements, and Communications

All the information present on the website is classified as electronic communication. When you contact Ray’s Healthy Living through the Ray’s Healthy Living websites or by other types of electronic media (like emails), you choose to communicate with s electronically. By doing that, you allow Ray’s Healthy Living to communicate with you electronically and agree to the fact that all such communications including agreements, disclosures, and notices, electronically provided by Ray’s Healthy Living are tantamount to written communications and shall have the same effect and force like they were signed by the respective parties (Ray’s Healthy Living and You) as written contracts.

In addition to that, you also agree and acknowledge that every time you click “I ACCEPT”, “DOWNLOAD”, “SUBMIT”, or any other similar buttons designated by Ray’s Healthy Living, you submit an electronic signature that becomes legally binding similar to the case where you sign a written contractual agreement. You accept that every electronic submission you make constitutes your intent and consent to be legally bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement and the hyperlinks (if any) present herein.

In accordance with any applicable rules, regulations, ordinances, statutes, or any other laws together with the E-Sign Act (United States Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, P.L. 106-229) or other parallel statutes, YOU HEREBY CONCUR TO THE USE OF ELECTRONIC CONTRACTS, ORDERS, SIGNATURES, AND RECORDS AND TO THE ELECTRONIC DELIVERY OF POLICIES, NOTICES, AND TRANSACTION RECORDS INITIATED OR COMPLETED VIA THE WEBSITE OR OFFERED SERVICES OF RAY’S HEALTHY LIVING. Also, you hereby surrender any requirements or rights under any rules, regulations, ordinances, statutes, or any other laws in any jurisdiction that require original signatures, retention or delivery of any non-electronic records, and payments or credit grants in by any other means except electronic.

About us

Results from the use of Ray’s Healthy Living products (supplements, minerals, home grown formulas) may vary with each individual. This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The above natural supplement is known to help in controlling and managing Asthma, but you should exercise proper caution and ask your doctor before adding any such supplement in your diet. Herbs have lasting and strong effects on the body and can also interact with other drugs and medications, causing dangerous and adverse reactions. If you use any medication for your disease, talk to your doctor before you decide to start any supplement or herbal products to manage your health condition.

Copyright © 2024 Rays Healthy Living

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Don’t forget to download your Maximum Cardio eBook and learn the many benefits the supplement has to offer.